Choir „Daugavas vanadzes” was founded as a part of organization „Daugavas vanagi”. The choir still participates in patriotic events in commemoration of Latvian soldiers who lost their lives in WW1 and people repressed during the war. They also participate in different celebration events of national level importance and many other various events and concerts. The choir has achieved a number of honourable acknowledgements, e.g. „Daugavas vanadzes” took the highest place in national competition during Latvian Song and Dance Celebration in 2013.
Kolektīva vadītājs/ -i
Ārija Zeltiņa
Nodarbību vieta
VEF Culture Palace | Ropazu Street 2, Riga
Nodarbību laiki
On Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.00 – 15.00