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Wed. 26.04.2023. 18:00

2023 Quiz on Korea

Chamber hall

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Latvia will hold Quiz on Korea Qualifier in Latvia on 2023 April 26 (Wed) at 18:00 in Chamber Hall (3rd floor) of the VEF Culture Palace.

Registration Deadline is 15 April (Sat), but participant number is limited to 50 people in the order of application. We will inform when the registration number reaches to 50.

1st place will go to Korea for the final round of 2023 Quiz on Korea. And the Quiz question will also be provided in English, so do not hesitate to register if you are interested in Korean culture!

Please check the below notice on the Embassy website for details and registration: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/lv-en/brd/m_21775/view.do?seq=141&page=1

*Audience Prizes(Galaxy tab, etc.) are prepared as well, so we hope that many people including family and friends of participants come and enjoy the event.

Pasākuma organizators informē, ka Pasākuma laikā tiks veikta foto un/vai video uzņemšana ar mērķi atspoguļot informāciju par Pasākumu masu medijos un informatīvajos materiālos. Iegūtie materiāli var tikt izmantoti publicitātei un sabiedrības informēšanai. Pasākuma organizators neuzņemas atbildību par trešo personu foto un/vai video uzņemšanu un to izmantošanu. Sīkāka informācija par Jūsu personas datu apstrādi ir pieejama šeit.
